megan fox armani photoshoot

megan fox armani photoshoot. Megan Fox Emporio Armani 7
  • Megan Fox Emporio Armani 7

  • Peace
    Sep 20, 12:56 AM
    I always thought it would have a hard drive.Even though MacCentral says it doesn't I don't think Bob Iger is so dumb to not know it does.

    Watch for EyeTV and Apple coming together over the next 3 months!!

    This WILL be a killer box.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. MEGAN FOX ARMANI PHOTOSHOOT

  • UnixMac
    Oct 9, 10:07 AM
    Originally posted by Abercrombieboy
    Alex ant has made some good points on why Macs are a poor buy. They are so much slower and less stable then PC's these days according to everything I read. I still love my Mac, but since reading these message boards over the past year or so I have became more and more negative about Macs. Mac has lost the MHz war and are becoming slower and slower computers and has also lost out to XP for the best operating system, acording to so many people.

    I am a consumer user, email, internet, MP3's, MS Word, digital camera photos, etc. I do like the iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie programs for what I do, but it sounds like with XP there is no longer any problems doing these things and they come loaded with programs that are just as easy to use. The sad thing as Apple was working on their switching campaign to switch people to Macs I am now considering switching to my first PC, because they have so much more megahertz and XP sounds so easy to use and stable.

    Well I am broke right now so it will be next spring or summer until I buy a new computer, but as Mac has been going backwards on speed and their software is good, but not any better then Microsoft anymore I really should test out a new PC and see how it works for how I use a computer.

    Or I have a better Idea: Call / Write Apple and complain about what you get for your hard earned $$$.......if enough people do, they will listen.

    I for one am not ready to move on to I would have to learn Linux and find Linux versions of all my software....Windows XP never!

    megan fox armani photoshoot. megan fox armani photos megan
  • megan fox armani photos megan

  • bokdol
    Aug 29, 01:35 PM
    i think alot of people care about the environment.. but alot of people dont care about greenpeace. in my eyes greenpeace has become a joke. i dont know mush about them but it does not seem like they do anything helpfull but to yell at the top of there lungs at people that can get them the most amount of publicity.

    the way i see it is. apple is really popular in the public eye. so they become a natural target for anyone that wants their voice heard. well at least thats how i see it.

    the last time i heard somethign from greenpeace was back in the 90's.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. New pics photos from megan and
  • New pics photos from megan and

  • CoryTV
    Apr 12, 11:30 PM
    You're assuming that if you didn't see a demo of it, it doesn't exist. iMovie has titling built in. They didn't demo titling this evening. Therefore, you're presuming this app has less titling than iMovie!

    That seems pretty silly.

    I made no such assumption, as far as less titling than imovie. But If there's a June release date, there is not 1 single major feature that hasn't been fully implemented. They are in final Beta. If they had a really high end titler/graphics engine, they would have shown it. Just like they would have shown high end grading. I'm not saying they're not coming at some point down the road, but I will eat a $100 bill on video if they have the full functionality of something like Color built in to this when it ships.

    Look maybe what this all comes down to is this: They had to start somewhere, and they wanted to start selling it as soon as possible, and hope people will use FCS 3 + FCPX together until FCSX (why not jump to 10?) is released in 2 years.

    Maybe this does have media sharing between stations, and pro tape i/o (which is still used by broadcast) But they don't need broadcast. That's the point. At $299 for the software, all they care about is people buying Apple Computers. And you know what? People buy Apple Computers who use Avid. Because they know at the very least, they can use FCP/Avid/CS5.5 on one system. And I do. And I will. I was just hoping at some point, I wouldn't have to choose between 3 NLE's on a per-project basis, as I will most likely be doing for the foreseeable future.

    I LOVE the shiny new features on this. Thank GOD for 64-bit multicore. But in a lot of ways, tomorrow, many people will point out that Avid has been doing resolution and framerate independent timelines with ZERO rendering for like 18 months now. And Adobe's new warp stabilizer and h.264/avchd/red support are still pretty freakin amazing.

    And I saw all the features through a tiny webstream, so maybe when I see it in glorious HD h.264 I'll change my mind.

    But there's no reason in the 4 years since FCP 6 they couldn't have done all this and more. (FCP 7 was a really minor update) That's my frustration. They've been sitting on the COLOR tech, and they didn't fully integrate it? So we're still going to have to deal with the horrible round tripping as a best case senario? Or they didn't take some of the ideas of motion and integrate them seamlessly into the timeline, so we still have to use a separate FX program? Trust me, you could do this, and it would still be a good UI.

    But fine, I'll plunk the $299 down and finally feel like I'm making use of all 8 of my cores, and pray for a day where I don't have to switch back and forth between apps.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Megan Fox has decided to enter
  • Megan Fox has decided to enter

  • yg17
    Mar 11, 08:53 AM

    didnt know the word tw@t was used over the pond... lol amezzin

    Yes, twat is used over here quite a bit. Wank, not so much though.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. MEGAN FOX ARMANI PHOTO SHOOT

  • desdomg
    Mar 21, 02:52 AM
    I still say **** it and download mp3s - the music catalogue on iTMS is awful anyway. It may be "illegal" but there are lots of illegal things that most people do anyway and the world hasn't come to a stop. In the UK a few years back we had the Tory government introduce a new tax called the Poll Tax. Its introduction caused mass riots and non payment. Eventually the government had no choice but to change the law. We live in a democracy for crying out loud. The way half of you are arguing with your "its illegal" ******** sounds like we live in a corporate state. The music industry needs to be forced to introduce price competition - not force the consumer to pay rediculous prices for a song. $1 is crazy pricing. Let the market decide.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Megan Fox photo shoot was on
  • Megan Fox photo shoot was on

  • gospel9
    Apr 9, 12:31 AM
    Hmmm, swipe, swipe, swipe, next. Swipe, swipe, swipe, next.

    Nah, gimme the Infinity Blade graphics but in a game that needs more than just flicking left or right.

    Oh you have absolutely no idea how to play Infinity Blade. Sure you can win like that in the beginning... It is like saying a racing game is turn turn turn brake turn long brake turn turn next.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Armani Photoshoot
  • Armani Photoshoot

  • Slurpy2k8
    Apr 9, 03:52 AM
    Wait? There's no need to wait. You are doing yourself a disservice. Do yourself a favor. Go to one of your friends houses, one with a PS3 or Xbox and at least a 37 inch TV. Play Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia. Come back and tell us what's the difference.

    Some us have lifestyles in which we are more than content with the entertainment selection on iOS devices-myself included. I don't have time, not desire to invest in playing games over long periods of time in a sedentary fashion. I play a game when want to clear my mind a bit, or kill time. I don't go invest huge amount of money and make that a goal, because frankly Id rather spend my time in a myriad of other ways. The vast majority of the population share my mindset. iOS devices not being 'HARDCORZ' enough is not going to hurt Apple. That market is shrinking, not expanding.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. MEGAN FOX ARMANI PHOTO SHOOT

  • citizenzen
    Apr 24, 10:03 AM
    Intelligence has something to do with it.

    Liberals and Atheists Smarter? Intelligent People Have Values Novel in Human Evolutionary History, Study Finds

    ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) ( — More intelligent people are statistically significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.

    The study, published in the March 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly, advances a new theory to explain why people form particular preferences and values. The theory suggests that more intelligent people are more likely than less intelligent people to adopt evolutionarily novel preferences and values, but intelligence does not correlate with preferences and values that are old enough to have been shaped by evolution over millions of years."

    "General intelligence, the ability to think and reason, endowed our ancestors with advantages in solving evolutionarily novel problems for which they did not have innate solutions," says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science. "As a result, more intelligent people are more likely to recognize and understand such novel entities and situations than less intelligent people, and some of these entities and situations are preferences, values, and lifestyles."

    Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) support Kanazawa's hypothesis. Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.

    Similarly, religion is a byproduct of humans' tendency to perceive agency and intention as causes of events, to see "the hands of God" at work behind otherwise natural phenomena. "Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid," says Kanazawa. This innate bias toward paranoia served humans well when self-preservation and protection of their families and clans depended on extreme vigilance to all potential dangers. "So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists."

    I think the last paragraph is a key to why atheists hold out for proof. We've seen time and time again over history where something that has been attributed to the supernatural or a God turned out to be quite natural.

    Likewise questions about the origins of the universe, that today seem utterly mysterious and unanswerable, may one day be resolved and explained within the natural confines.

    Atheists are loathe to latch on to supernatural conclusions when that camp has been proven wrong time and time and time again.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Megan Fox Scores Armani
  • Megan Fox Scores Armani

  • benixau
    Oct 12, 03:22 PM
    If you want to get exceptional mathematical performance then why are you getting a micro computer???? I cannot out-type my computer and i cannot do mathematical functions fater than it, or even excel with all of its overhead.

    BTW, my g4 is soooo slow at doing maths functions that i finished an assignment a whole 5mins ahead of a mate. In excel. these were some serious slowdown stuff, 10 cross-referenced, dependently linked, nested functions sheets. Now my mac only has 2 867s with 256ddr, his p4 2.53 with 512 couldnt beat me, WITH WIN95.

    Now any more real world tests you would like????:D

    megan fox armani photoshoot. megan fox armani photoshoot.
  • megan fox armani photoshoot.

  • Bigdaddyguido
    Apr 13, 07:16 AM
    This thread reads like a bunch of wanna-be's crying for attention. All this talk that real professionals will be disappointed. First off, if this is a conference for production professionals, and you weren't there, kinda already makes you sound like an also-ran. Not to say that every quality professional would be at one event, but if you are truly a professional, you'd know that pointless pontification about a product you've never seen and are judging based on a series of quotes from a one hour presentation isnt very respectable.

    There's no way even a large fraction of the total features were presented in an hour, and if the app was built from the ground up and took three tears to be released, it stands to reason that many assumptions your making based on old software could be markedly wrong.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. megan fox photoshoot för
  • megan fox photoshoot för

  • jasonph
    Apr 6, 03:55 AM
    The biggest thing I miss is the ALT + <somekey> to open a menu keyboard shortcut.

    What I don't miss. Windows (inc 7) is slower on the same hardware than OS X. It also thrashes the hard drive with its virtual memory use in comparison to OS X and some of it's file handling is laughable. Even XP was better than Win7. I run all sorts of PC's but you really need a lot of memory, a quad core CPU and a very fast drive for win 7 to give of it's best. Not so with Mac OS X, almost any of the Intel Mac's are fine for most jobs (with the exception of Final Cut Pro maybe!).

    Also Stability wise OS X is much more stable than Windows and Apps rarely crash (with the exception of MS Office when it was first released!).

    As with all things Microsoft they take an idea and turn it into bloatware! Almost every MS app I have used feels bloated even Office on the Mac :(

    megan fox armani photoshoot. MEGAN FOX ARMANI PHOTO SHOOT

  • H. Flower
    Apr 12, 11:36 PM
    Photoshop & AE are awesome applications. Premiere might be a decent editing app, but nobody in the industry uses it. A very small % sure, but only because they don't know FCP or Avid. Maybe do-it-all small post houses, but not dedicated editors. I'm not really trying to knock Premiere - just stating facts.

    The BBC just purchased 4,000 Premiere systems.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. up Megan+fox+armani+photos
  • up Megan+fox+armani+photos

  • Simm0nS777
    Mar 18, 12:31 PM
    Peoples stupidity ITT is hilarious.

    I RARELY crack the 2GB level on my unlimited data plan. I usually tether about 2 days a week for a few hours. I work at a job with a ton of downtime. I spend that downtime browsing forums. If ATT takes away my tethering ability (no way in hell Im pay an extra $45 to tether) I will then have to spend that downtime watching netflix which is going to use A LOT more bandwidth than browsing forums on my laptop.

    So those of you not bright enough to realize that for many they will be using MORE data need to use that head of yours a little more.

    Its funny that in your guys minds that its better for someone to use 15GB a month watching netflix/streaming pandora etc. than it is for me to use 2GB tethering.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Megan Fox for Armani – Ad
  • Megan Fox for Armani – Ad

  • EricNau
    Sep 20, 12:40 AM
    If it contains a HDD (a fact I am not entirely convinced of), I doubt it would be used for recording TV shows.

    Programming such a device with a basic remote like the ones Steve Jobs previewed would be near-to-impossible.

    If Apple did introduce the ability to record TV shows (which I also doubt), I believe it would be at the computer, only to be streamed to the iTV later.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Megan Fox Emporio Armani 2
  • Megan Fox Emporio Armani 2

  • chrono1081
    May 2, 08:52 PM
    Mac OS X fanboys really need to stop clinging to the mentality that "viruses" don't exist for OS X and that "malware" is a Windows-only problem. Who cares if viruses don't exist for OS X? News flash: viruses aren't all that common on Windows anymore. They just aren't. Phishing, Spear Phishing, trojans, and social engineering are much more cost- and time-effective ways to breach a computer's security.

    So no matter what you call "MACDefender," it's a problem. One that's not likely to be caught by a user who has been fed the Koolaid that malware is a Windows problem and that they don't need to be aware.

    Can you for once write something truthful? Why are you even here. Windows viruses are more rampant than ever before, trust me I remove them for a living and it eats up a good chunk of my work week.

    As for your constant "fanboy" comments I think calling people "fanboys" should get you the ban hammer. No one wants to hear it anymore. They just don't. Oh, and for the "koolaid" cliche? Real original :rolleyes: Haven't heard that a million times.

    You obviously know nothing about Windows or Mac if you honestly believe the FUD you constantly put on this forum.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. MEGAN FOX ARMANI PHOTO SHOOT

  • wovel
    Apr 21, 12:43 PM
    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

    What phone do you have? My iPhone battery lasts 3 or 4 days if I don't do anything , who cares.

    Real Netflix App
    Any Game made by Epic
    About 2/3s of EAs games. (and the ones there only run on like 2 phones).

    This is just the beginning.. I could add 100 more if you like. Your free tethering is no different then getting free tethering on an iPhone. It is not carrier supported (At least on AT&T) and they will always be working to try and block it.

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Megan Fox#39;s New Nearly Naked
  • Megan Fox#39;s New Nearly Naked

  • emw
    Mar 18, 10:16 AM
    I wonder how long it'll be until Apple comes up with a fix for this?Probably before the the end of the day, I would imagine.

    But is this really a surprise to anybody? I mean, really, how much can the RIAA bitch about this? They sell CDs that anyone can burn and share - they should be happy that Apple is trying to improve upon this model in the first place. Of course, I know they will still bitch...

    megan fox armani photoshoot. Foxs armani is reported that megan year jan mbariket Megan+fox+armani+photoshoot Did a behind form, meganmegan fox newly released behind Comes you,
  • Foxs armani is reported that megan year jan mbariket Megan+fox+armani+photoshoot Did a behind form, meganmegan fox newly released behind Comes you,

  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 24, 11:15 AM
    ..... If he does exist one must assume that he intends the Bible to be read literally. If he didn't then why did he go through the whole bother of having it written by the disciples in the first place if people were just going to change and reinterpret it willy nilly based on whatever the current political or social ideals of the time are?

    not at all......God is perfectly aware that people make mistakes. Indeed, they can't be trusted to get anything perfectly right, so if God wanted the Bible to have been taken literally, he have written it out himself and wouldn't have involved people in the project in the first place

    Aug 29, 11:24 AM
    danielwsmithee is right.

    At work, we never throw out a mac. But the pc boxes get replaced often.

    Apr 24, 10:03 AM
    There could be many other reasons as well, for example the average age of posters on here is likely to be less than in the population at large.

    I polled that, too. You're right. Here are the results.

    Phil A.
    Aug 29, 03:13 PM
    That's not true. The UK will miss the targets that Tony Blair committed [us] to. Blair's standards were almost double the standard Kyoto targets. We'll miss the Blair targets (surprise surprise) but we should hit the Kyoto targets. See here (

    Of course, much of Kyoto is rendered moot because the US refuses to ratify the treaty because "it will harm the economy." :rolleyes:

    That's kind of my point - the UK committed (or was committed) to unrealistic goals and will fail to meet them. Anyone can commit to anything - actually delivering on those commitments is completely different

    Jul 7, 09:13 AM
    I'm still on the iPhone 3G. I was seriously considering ditching AT&T and the iPhone 4 for Sprint/EVO 4G or Verizon/Droid X because I was dropping call every single call in my house (no joke, every single call) and multiple calls per day around town a few weeks ago, BUT...

    I haven't dropped a call for a couple of weeks now and have had great reception in my house recently, as well. Really odd, but encouraging as I decide what you do about replacing this phone.

    Sep 20, 07:45 AM
    To those that say that Apple won't allow this because it would hit their own TV show revenues from the iTunes store... I disagree. They'll have to give in sooner or later, because EyeTV isn't going to go away. Would iTunes/iPod have been such a success if they'd have made us purchase all our music from iTunes, even the stuff we alread had on CD?

    I'm not going to pay �3 (or whatever) for an Episode of Lost if I could have recorded on EyeTV last night... especially when C4 repeat each episode about 6 times per week anyway.

    I see your point but maybe you're not seeing the big picture-- the future as Apple, perhaps, sees it. (And you are paying for that "Lost" episode whether you watch it or not, aren't you?)

    A few minutes ago, I was thinking, Gee...if Apple got enough content on iTunes, a guy could just buy all the stuff he wanted to see and to hell with the rest. I see this as replacing cable TV in the not-too-distant future. Customized, commercial-free TV delivered to your computer and then sent to your iTV box. Why pay for that afternoon soap opera that you never watch?

    This model probably would not make financial sense for people who watch a lot of TV but, for those who only watch a select few shows, it might be a good alternative to cable TV.
